
The use of CAN and CAN'T

This defective verb “Can” corresponds to the Spanish "Poder", and is used to express the following:

1. Permission, possibility 
2. Ability 
3. To ask for permission / to give permission
4. To ask for things / to offer things


The basic structure is:

Pronoun  or name + can + action verb + complement

*Note: the verb doesn’t change in the 3rd person singular (He, She, It):

He can work today. He can works today.
She can wash the dishes. She can washes the dishes.
It can play videos It can plays videos.



Pronoun or name + can't + action verb + complement

Note*: It is common to use "Can't" instead of "Cannot".



Can + Pronoun or name + action verb + Complement?

Examples of questions and answers:
- Can you dance? - No, I can't.
- Can you work with the computer? - Yes, I can.
- Can he swim? - Yes, he can.
- Can she cook a pizza? - No, she can't.
- Can we understand the lesson? - Yes, we can.
- Can they speak French?- No, they can't.

There are also the WH- questions, as for example:
- Where can I go in Bilbao? - You can go to the Guggenheim Museum
- How can I go there? – You can go by tram    
- What can I do there? – You can visit the new exhibition                            
- What else can I do there? – You can have a walk in Abandoibarra                    
- When can I go there?  -  You can go there every day

1.- Permission, possibility 
a) You can’t smoke here
b) We can park the car here
c) It can be rainy tomorrow.
d) She can't come to the party tonight.
e) Can you arrive early today?

2.- The ability to do something
a) Laura can swim very well.
b) They can play the piano.
c) This computer can run desktop software and modern apps.
d) He can't cook. He always burns the food.
e) Can she drive a standard car?

3.- To ask for permission / to give permission

3.1.- To ask for permission
a) Can she come with me?
b) Can I come in?

3.2.- To give permission
a) You can stay here if you want.
b) They can use the dictionary in the English exam, but you can’t use the laptop.

4.- To ask for something / to offer something

4.1- To ask for something
a) Can you help me, please?
b) Can you work in our team?

4.2- To offer something
a) Can I help you?
b) Can I take your order?

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