
Present Simple & Present Continuous

picture taken from http://www.engames.eu/teach-present-tenses/

We use the present simple when we want to talk about fixed habits or routines.

We use the present continuous to talk about actions which are happening at the present moment, but will soon finish.

Compare these two statements:
  • (present simple) I play tennis.
  • (present continuous) I am playing tennis.
(present simple) I play tennis tells us that playing tennis is something the speaker always does. It is part of a routine or habit. We can call this a permanent situation.

(present continuous) I am playing tennis tells us that the speaker is playing tennis right now. Soon the game will be over. We call this a temporary situation.

With the present simple we say:
  • I play tennis
  • You play tennis
  • We play tennis
  • They play tennis
  •  She plays tennis
With the present continuous we say:
  • I'm playing tennis
  • You're playing tennis
  • We're playing tennis
  • They're playing tennis
  • He's playing tennis

Frequency Adverbs we use with the Present Simple (notice that the adverb comes before the main verb in the sentence)

Always: ‘I always read before I go to bed.’
Often: ‘Her sister often comes shopping with us.’
Frequently:‘ Michael frequently visits his family.’
Sometimes: ‘You sometimes go to the gym, don’t you?’
Occasionally: ‘It occasionally rains in summer.’
Seldom: ‘They seldom ask for help.’
Rarely:  ‘He rarely goes out without his backpack.’
Hardly ever: ‘I hardly ever eat pizza.’
Never: ‘Japanese people never wear shoes inside.’

Time Expressions we use with the Present Continuous (notice that the time expression can come at the start or at the end of the sentence)

At the moment: ‘I’m watching TV, at the moment.’
These days: ‘Paul’s living in Cardiff, these days.’
Now: ‘What are you doing, now?’
Nowadays: ‘I think you are smoking too much, nowadays.’

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