
Biography: Mikel Laboa, by Txaro Bolinaga

Mikel Laboa was born on 15th June 1934 in Donostia, Gipuzkoa.

He was one of the most important songwriters in Basque language of the XX. Century, he was considered the patriarch of Basque music. And his music has influenced young people.

In the 1950s he studied medicine and psychiatry in Pamplona-Iruña. During his student years he became interested in music and he always balances his artistic career with his medical career.

Laboa would identify himself as a “political artist” and he play music for the first time in Gayarre theatre in Pamplona in 1958.
He worked as a doctor in the unit of child neuropsychiatry of the Patronato San Miguel in Donostia.

During the 1960s he, with other Basque artist, founded the cultural group “Ez dok Amairu. They dedicated their focus on the revival and social status of the Basque language.

Laboa´s music can be described as a combination of tradition, poetry and experimentalism, with a strong personal touch and unique voice.

One of his most well-known song, “Txoriak txori”, has been sung by other famous singers.

Laboa was creative force for 35 years, continuing well into his old age, until his fragile health kept him away from the stage.
Mikel Laboa died on 1 December 2008 at the hospital in Donostia-San Sebastian at the age of 74.

In 2009, the gipuzkoan town of Usurbil dedicated a square and one of the squares in the Leioa campus also has his name. 

My favourite song is Bi Kate

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